The {T} family decided to have their annual family photos at the Glendora Arboetum and Botanic Garden, since a local location is so much more convenient and accessible. They are an Asian family with two adorable daughters. The Glendora Arboretum was a perfect location to capture family portraits of them.

Isn’t it adorable when the two sisters hug? We like to get family photos like this and capture them throughout the years, which is awesome for a sequence of photos that show their growth and change.

The Glendora Arboretum has a selection of bushes and trees that make for a natural and rustic backdrop, a step up from the average park setting.

And we always love getting a few pics of the parents by themselves. It brings back fond memories of their wedding photos and the days before children…LOL j/k we notice that parents are so focused on kids that they forget themselves. It’s nice giving them an excuse to laugh.

And we love that the natural wildflowers at the Glendora Arboretum and Botanic Garden, which are seasonal. These purple and yellow flowers made a perfect backdrop to wrap this little kid in.

And of course we squeezed in the whole family in the same beautiful spot.

Them we did some mommy and me and daddy and me photos. We like to squeeze in those fun permutations during our family portrait sessions.

And what better of a way to end the session than with a little kiss.

Family Photos at the Glendora Arboretum
This is a great example of a family portrait session at the Glendora Arboretum and Botanic Garden, a hidden local spot in Glendora in Los Angeles County. We have many more examples on our blog of family photo sessions, including specific ones like have two children or two daughters in a family photography sessions. This session would be provided by Judy Holt of Judy and Gavin Photography, a dedicated and experienced family photographer.