This year the {G} family decided keep their yearly portraits close to home in Orange County. These Irvine family photos shows them enjoying the local park, Jeffrey Open Trail. The mounds of grass, the bushy trees, and even the tunnel was used to frame these happy family photography portraits.

Gotta love family photos of a brother and sister being silly.

We used one of the nearby trees as a log to sit the family on.

And kids will always be kids, so why not immortalize it with an awesome photo?

We then wandered over to a small, dry creek bed for more photos with rocks and trees.

The bike and hiking trail nearby made for great walking family photos.

And we had to use the tunnel to get a different, more modern look.

This shows an Irvine family photography session at the Jeffrey Open Trail and Park in Orange County. Family photos with the {G} family is a yearly thing and a pleasure for us to capture, slowly watching their two children grow older and taller. The many suburbs of Irvine are sectioned into villages. This family photography session was in Woodbury, right next to the Grove and Northwood. The Jeffrey Open Trail is a great spot for natural and relaxed family photos.
Make sure to check out more examples of our work on our Orange County family photography Instagram account: