The {H} family photos (Arlington Gardens in Pasadena) were right in time for Christmas photos for Christmas cards. We always get a rush of family photography sessions this time of the year because of the holiday season. The Arlington garden was a scenic and picturesque backdrop for this cute family session with their first daughter. So read on for our family photos at the Arlington Gardens.

We love seeing our toddlers walk in our family photos, so what better than this rustic path through the center of the garden!

In the middle of Arlington Gardens is a beautiful spiral rock garden that is super fun for kids and adults alike to navigate. It also makes for fun and unique photos!

Family Photos, Arlington Garden
The Arlington Garden in Pasadena is a hidden gem of a location and is a local treasure. Please show your support by donating to this amazing place if you ever visit it. If you are looking for family photos (Arlington Gardens or another Pasadena family photography location), please make sure to contact Judy to schedule a session today!
Here are more examples of family photography at the Arlington Garden in Pasadena.