This is the {N} family, who have children that are all grown up (and no grandchildren….yet). They had their family photos in Irvine at the Jeffrey Open Space Trail, in Orange County.
Starting Family Photos in Irvine
We started their family portrait session in a wild grass field surrounded by trees. It’s a perfect natural setting for the 6 adults and 2 fur babies.

More Portraits on a Creek Bed
We moved on to a creek bed for more family photos, using it to get more variations of the family.

Just look at these yellow fall leaves in the background. Aren’t they amazing?!

We got some family portraits of just the mom and dad together, which was nice since they don’t like taking photos. The mom confided in Judy afterward that Judy made her feel very comfortable during the session, which has never happened for her before.

And here’s the whole family walking along a trail for a stroll.

And if there are fall leaves, why not take advantage of it for a fun family photo!?

Family Photos in a Tunnel
We finished the family photography session in a long tunnel, giving an urban and modern look to the family photography (while in Irvine, which is not that).

Family Photos Irvine
This is the {N} family photography portrait session in Irvine, Orange County. We chose Jeffrey Open Space Trail for the location, which is a perfect park with trees, grass fields, and even a tunnel that gives us a different look and feel from the typical Irvine family portraits (urban and modern vs. suburban and rural). Irvine is a suburban community in Orange County that has many parks and other recreational spaces, but for an urban look one has to look toward Los Angeles.